miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017


Los connacionales también indicaron que la decisión de Morales solo aumenta la corrupción en el país, por lo que demanda su renuncia. “No tengo presidente” indicaron algunos de los manifestantes que se dieron cita a las afueras de las embajadas de Guatemala en Los Ángeles, Nueva York y Rhode Island.

Communiqué from the Guatemalan community in the United States

We support UN international commissioner Ivan Velasquez against Guatemala’s impunity –CICIG

-Through this communiqué, migrant organizations in the United States, declare support to Mr. Ivan Velasquez and the international work he has accomplished against impunity in Guatemala-CICIG, which we recognize as a necessary entity for the struggle against impunity and corruption in Guatemala.

-We are angered at Jimmy Morales petition that is a response to a conflict of interest and it’s an attack against the CICIG’s function and the fights against impunity and corruption in Guatemala. We demand his resignation immediately and for him to be loyal to his words towards Guatemala’s constitutional laws. We already declare that he is unrecognizable to migrant organizations in solidarity with the people of Guatemala.

-We sustain our stance in support to the petition against Jimmy Morales presented by the Public Ministry and the International Commission against impunity and corruption in Guatemala-CICIG- to enlighten the reasons of how Jimmy Morales has delegitimized his power. We solicit the Supreme Court of Guatemala to resolve and declare Jimmy Morales’s pre-trial proceedings.

-As a diaspora reciting in the United States we also manifest our demands to bring to light the origin and management of funds raised in the United States to finance Jimmy Morales electoral campaign, and also the social groups that support him.

-We do a call out to the Guatemalan community to become informed and organize against what is occurring in Guatemala and also to use our critical thought to avoid any misinformation from any filters supporting corruption. We do this call out to those residing in the United States who aligns with Jimmy Morales, and to those who still defend him in Guatemala.

August 28 2017

-Fundación del día del Guatemalteco Estado de California
-Movimiento Plurinacional USA
-Colectivo Guatemalteco en Los Ángeles
-La Resistencia LA, Coalición Latino Americana por Ayotzinapa
-Honorable Comité de Huelga de Dolores USA
-Fundacion Amancio Samuel Villatoro FASV
-Casa Solidaria del Sur, LA

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